Monday, 28 February 2011

You're Invited to Chilton Trinity Open Day!

Post Your Chilton Memories

Hey Everyone!

We would like to know your Chilton Trinity School memories and use them for the open day Saturday 5th March. We're interested in whichever year you graduated from and and memories you have of this school.

Ways which you can share:
You can reply to this post by clicking on the comment box below (or clicking 'comments' at the bottom of this entry and posting your memory. If you have a Blogger, Google, LiveJournal, WordPress, TypePad, AIM, Open ID account you can sign in using these. However you can also post anonymously if you don't have these accounts and can choose to show your name.

Alternatively you can post on our Facebook Page and comment on our wall or discussions page.

Nisha Haq, volunteer and associate photographer.

First Workshop Photos :D

These are a few photos taken by Nisha Haq at the first meeting of the Chilton Generations Together project at Chilton Trinity school. Facilitated by Sophy Layzell we engaged in 'ice-breaker' activities as we had only just met that day and this helped us come together as a group.  Later we discussed plans for Saturday 5th March, open day at Chilton school to celebrate the history of the school.  Laura Rouse will take portraits of people and ex-students as an artistic input to a celebratory day.

This was an interesting day, especially learning about Chilton Trinity Technology College as this was the first time I had been to this secondary school. Not being an ex-student of this school I was engrossed by everyone's memories and thoughts and tried to capture these moments on camera.

New posts soon on the next meeting and updates to events this Saturday!

Tweedy Pie ice breaker game 
Our school year memories of Chilton Trinity.
 This was a fun exercise as it brought funny childhood memories!

Portia Saunders, peer volunteer associate photographer
Laura Rouse, Professional Photographer for Chilton Generations Together project.

Engaging in group discussion. :)

A pensive moment. :)

Sohpy Layzell, CGT project facilitator.

by Nisha Haq, volunteer and associate photographer :)

So What's This Project About?

Hi Everyone!

So this is the new blog where we hope to bring together various generations of students, ex-students and ex-staff from Chilton Trinity Technology College. We hope to share memories and stories both past and present from people in the community and ex-students from all generations. This is a Somerset Art Works and Company of Voices - Making Matters project. This community project is working towards an Open Day at Chilton Trinity Technology College on Saturday 5th March.

This day will involve photography by Laura Rouse, local based professional photographer, where creative photography will be fused with memories, entertainment and a buzzing atmosphere. As the Chilton Trinity school building will soon be demolished and replaced, Somerset Art Works has launched this exciting project to help bring the community closer and recognise the place the school has played in the lives of local people.
Large scale photographic portraits will be produced for permanent display in the new school building, visually linking the new school to its history.

Feel free to follow this blog for regular updates and join our new Facebook group page.

Check out the logo I made for this project and support this page! :D

Nisha Haq, volunteer and associate photographer :)